Our “Friends of Italy” in the USA

20 Gen 2011

Continuano ad arrivare messaggi di solidarietà e di appoggio al nostro appello. La lettera è firmata da un gruppo di cittadini e soci italiani e americani residenti negli States

Dear Libertà e Giustizia,

With this letter, we would like to express our support to the appeal, “Resignation”, which calls upon Silvio Berlusconi to immediately resign. We are a group of both Italians and Americans who consider themselves “friends of Italian democracy”, to use your definition, and feel ashamed about the deplorable image of Italy that Berlusconi’s scandals are spreading all over the world. Your appeal has reached us in the USA and has been welcomed with gratefulness: it gives voice to our same concerns about the respectability of Italian institutions, but mainly, it expresses our indignation, a word that does not seem to belong to the vocabulary of many Italian politicians. We strongly join your appeal and urge everyone who cares about Italy to express their solidarity and commit to have their voices heard.

Your “Friends of Italy” in the USA
Valeria Castelli, Elena D’Amelio, Jens Muller, Giovanni Ferrero, Paolo Campolonghi, Camilla Zamboni, Alessandra Montalbano, Erika Marina Nadir, Christopher White, Valerie McGuire, Kimberly Ziegler, Stefano Lanfredini, Manuela Travaglianti, Marco Pavone, Jonathan Mullins, Jessica Goethals


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